Orthopedic Massage
Orthopedic Massage incorporates different soft tissue techniques in order to decrease pain, and increase healing and function to an injured joint or muscle. Orthopedic massage is performed by the chiropractor using their hands as well as supportive soft tissue tools. Orthopedic massage can be thought of as medical or rehab massage. Traditional Swedish massage offered at many spas and massage chains, mainly focus on relaxation.
- Decrease pain
- Improve range of motion and mobility
- Break up adhesions
- Improve muscle function and strength
- Stimulate healing response and increase healing time

Orthopedic Massage incorporates different soft tissue techniques in order to decrease pain, and increase healing and function to an injured joint or muscle. Orthopedic massage is performed by the chiropractor using their hands as well as supportive soft tissue tools. Orthopedic massage can be thought of as medical or rehab massage. Traditional Swedish massage offered at many spas and massage chains, mainly focus on relaxation.
What Techniques are performed?
Myofascial trigger point therapy, cross friction, and PIR (post-isometric relation) stretching.
Soft Tissue Tools
Soft tissue tools are specialized tools the doctor or therapist may utilize during a session. These include myofascial tools and cupping which assist the practitioner in achieving the intended therapeutic goals. When these tools are used it is referred to as instrument assisted soft tissue (IAST) therapy.
Cupping is a type of therapy that has been historically used in Chinese Medicine. This therapy involves placing specialized, glass or plastic cups around the body, creating a suctioning effect on the skin and underlying soft tissues. The cups are left to sit for a specified time period. The holistic doctor will then move the cups across the skin creating a more intense therapy. This therapy provides increased circulation, muscle relaxation, myofacial release, musculoskeletal pain relief and tissue repair.